Research Institute

Advancing behavioural science knowledge to support leaders in business, government, and society in making evidence-based decisions.


The mission of the BEworks Research Institute is to bring leaders together to tackle the world’s most pressing behavioral challenges. The Institute conducts seminal research to establish and maintain a position of thought leadership on decision-making. By co-creating with interested parties, we will apply our research to collaboratively solve the most pressing challenges in industry, society, and the economy.

About the BEworks Research Institute

The BEworks Research Institute launched in 2021 with the purpose of advancing applied behavioural economics research to support leaders in business, government, and society in solving the most pressing issues of our time.

The Research Institute identifies the challenges facing society and the economy at-large through consultations with industry leaders and member partners. We then launch primary research studies to answer critical questions and uncover novel insights related to the challenges at hand.

We believe that the path to a better future is established by equipping business leaders, government, and society with evidence-based insights to inform important business and policy decisions. Our research will provide perspectives that will benefit multiple stakeholders, including firms, policy makers, regulators, consumer groups and other interested parties, while allowing more intensive and rigorous research than any one participant might be willing or able to undertake; particularly given the fact that insights will likely benefit from the perspectives of multiple participants. By convening round-table discussions with key leaders in industry, government, and society, we ensure that the research agenda is timely and relevant and that the research considers varied perspectives and interests. Furthermore, as a research institute focused on primary research conducted by PhDs with extensive expertise in various domains of behavioural science, economics, and finance, we can conduct rigorous unbiased research and deliver reports that will have credibility thereby allowing a reconciliation of potentially competing perspectives and interests.

Focus for the Research Institute

While there are a host of interesting research questions, the initial focus of the BEworks Research Institute will be on financial decision-making with potential topics including:
  • A customer’s mind goes through multiple, distinct psychological mechanisms when deciding to buy. Psychological Journey Mapping harnesses these to improve customer experience.

    A Psychological Approach to Journey Mapping
  • Trends in housing markets can take weird turns based on human speculation and psychological motivations. Here are some of the biases we may encounter.

    How Behavioral Biases Influence the Housing Market
  • For clients to follow financial advice, it is imperative that they trust their advisors. Here are six ways to do so.

    Six Proven Ways to Deliver Better Financial Advice
  • In achieving sustainable goals, developing consumer habits can mark the difference between initiatives that are measurably successful and those that aren’t.

    The Future of the Sustainability Landscape

Join the BEworks Research Institute

We are currently seeking members to participate in our financial services roundtable. One of the first tasks for sponsors and members will be in setting research priorities. If you are interested in participating, please contact us

Looking for a Behavioral Expert to speak at your next event? Send us a note.