Behavioural Finance in Creating Better Cost Report Outcomes

The required implementation of Total Cost Reporting offers an opportunity to enhance client statements to create better outcomes for advisors and their clients using proven insights from behavioural finance.

BEworks has extensive expertise that will help firms rapidly apply behavioural finance insights as they redesign client statements. Our insights build on previously validated tactics that were tested in a Total Cost Reporting experiment by the BEworks Research Institute.

​In as little as 4 weeks, BEworks will show you how to embed the right mix of behavioural finance tactics that will deliver critical positive client and advisor outcomes.

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Key Benefits:​

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  • Assist your staff in effectively implementing the changes and ensure that Financial Advisors are able to use the new statement information to have positive and productive conversations with clients
  • Apply proven behavioural tactics that boost investor comprehension and willingness to seek and follow advice ​
  • Create better outcomes for Financial Advisors and clients

About BEworks

BEworks is the world’s leading behavioral change firm. The firm distinguishes itself with its rigorous commitment to evidence-based insights and cutting-edge scientific methods. All of its practitioners are accomplished researchers, hold advanced graduate degrees, and have extensive experience in applying BE to complex strategic, marketing, operational, and policy challenges.